Sunday, September 29, 2019

Links To Theory Through Observation.

EYES was established under the Childcare Act 2006 and is compulsory for all early years' providers that have o register with Posted for children age three to the end of the academic year in which they turn five. During reflection I will also be considering some theorists and their theories on learning through play and the benefits or criticisms they imply in relation to each observation. Child A pushes a lorry around table, watching as the wheels go round. He plays alongside others without interaction. Picking up the lorry he carries it to another area of nursery and kneels on the floor, again watching as he pushes lorry around the carpet.Another child approaches so he picks up the lorry taking it to a able with other vehicles on. Holding on to the lorry he picks up a small car, looking at a child opposite he says â€Å"My lorry is big†. The child agrees with child A saying ‘Yes because lorries are bigger than cars†. Child A smiles and replies â€Å"My lorry' is b igger†. He puts lorry on table and lines up two cars and a small bus alongside it and repeats â€Å"My lorry is bigger†. From the observation it was recognized that child A achieved several milestones for his age in conformity with the Development Matters in the FEES criteria.These include Mathematics (Shape Space and Measure) he is beginning to use the language f size, Physical Development (Moving and Handling) he squats with steadiness to rest or play with object on the ground and rises to feet without using hands, Communication and Language (Speaking and understanding) he uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing thoughts and developing understanding of simple concepts e. G. Big/little (Early Education 2012). The EYE-S categories children's development according to age which was influenced by Paginating theory.Jean Pigged is credited with the cognitive-developmental theory that views the child â€Å"as actively constructing knowledge and cognit ive development as taking place in stages† (Beer, 2000, p. 21). He introduced the term schema and its use was popularized through his work based on his four development stages, Seniority (0-errs), Pre Operational (2-6 or 7), Concrete Operational (6 or 7-11 or 12) and Formal Operational (1 1 or 12). Chris They (2007) was influenced by Piglets' schemas and developmental stages and building on Piglets' work she applied this theory to the observation and analysis of young children's learning.Focusing on young children's spontaneous play and activity she suggested that there re several ways of defining schema, although not a single one on which everyone would agree. During the observation it was identified that child A was performing some schemas in accordance to Pigged and Atheist' schema theory. Pushing the lorry around the table exhibits a rotation schema, taking the lorry to different areas exhibits a transporting schema and lining up the vehicles exhibits a positioning schema all of which Dowling (2013) suggests are mathematical schemas.Pigged viewed children as ‘lone scientists' who had all the cognitive mechanisms to learn independently from personal experiences and environmental aspects. He believed in the importance of children learning through exploring and finding new knowledge in many different situations without any need for teachers or more mature peers input (Nutrition, 2006). However in their response to schema-related play Bruce (1999) and Mead (1999), (in London, 2001) both highlighted the role of more mature ‘others' in influencing children's development.This is also posited by Level Viscosity who criticized Piglets' lone scientist beliefs, emphasizing the need for support from families, communities and other children to extend a child's learning in his Zone of Proximal Development (ZIP) theory (Pound, 2005). Visigoths' ZIP has been defined as â€Å"the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independen t problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers† (Viscosity, 1 978, p. 6). These theories were recognized from the observation when Child A communicated his thoughts on the size of the lorry to another child who confirmed his original schema of size but extended his level of thought by explaining lorries are bigger than cars. As the other child was more knowledgeable on size and mathematical language he was blew to provoke adaptation in child As' original schema allowing him to assimilate and accommodate this new information also showing evidence Of Piglets developmental theory (McLeod, 2009).Although further observations or adult led activities would be required to ascertain child As' equilibration. Upon reflection, had a teacher or LISP been present during this activity an opportunity to develop child As' mathematical knowledge further on shape, space and language could be met by comparing vehicle sizes and modeling language for size, big, bigger, biggest. Child B points to her tights saying â€Å"Look De, blue, red, blue' to L SP who replies â€Å"Oh yes, well done you spotted a pattern† child B smiles. â€Å"Do you think you can make a pattern? Asks LISP, child B nods following L SP to table with colored cubes and pattern cards. LISP hands child B a two colored pattern card modeling how to copy it. Child B follows card repeating pattern. LISP praises child B giving her a sticker, child B smiles examining sticker. Child B picks another two colored pattern card and copies it independently saying â€Å"l can do this one†. After praising child B LISP leaves table. Child B makes a two colored pattern without card calling to L SP Look I made my own pattern†, L SP praises and rewards child B with another sticker. Child B turns to a friend saying â€Å"l got two Stickers†.As in first observation, regarding the FEES, ch ild B is achieving several milestones within the seven areas of learning and development relevant to her age range of 40-months. She is also demonstrating characteristics of effective learning also specified in EYES these being, Playing and Exploring (engagement), finding out and exploring and being willing to ‘have a go', Active Learning (motivation), being involved and concentrating, keeping trying enjoying achieving what they set out to do and Creating and Thinking Critically (thinking), having their own ideas, making links, choosing ways to do things.However mathematically it was notable that child B aged 53 months is above her milestone development in shape space and measure aspect of FEES as she was able to recognize, create and describe patterns, which are Early Learning Goals (LEG). Legs' are the next developmental milestones of EYES and usually occur around age 60+ months (Education, 2012). This contrasts Piglets' theory that children learn in stages, achieving one st age before bovine onto the next.Maria Interiors also criticized this theory as she believed in focusing On the individualized nature Of learning and recognized â€Å"all children were capable of learning but they need to work at their own pace† (Groan et al, 2011, p. 41). This was highlighted in observation as child B is developing at her own pace and achieving a higher development milestone without completing all aspects of the 40-60 math shape space and measure category of FEES.Although Interiors criticized Piglets' development stage theory she believed, like Pigged that children learn by exploring alone and felt hat children were teaching themselves by absorbing information from their environment (Daley et al, 2006). Without intervention from the LISP child B would not have extended her knowledge or language of pattern and an opportunity would have been missed, sometimes it is therefore necessary to have the support Of an adult or more knowledgeable peer.This is supported by Burner whose scaffolding theory stated the importance of the role of a practitioner to extend children's learning (Doherty, 2009). Scaffolding refers to assistance which â€Å"enables a child or novice to solve a problem, carry out a ask or a goal which would be beyond his unassisted efforts† (Burner, 2006 p. 199). Child B had spotted the pattern but until the LISP assisted her and pointed out she had spotted a ‘pattern' child 8 did not have the language to describe it.

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